
76th Conference of the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions (ICHRPI)

Toledo, Spain, 3-6 September 2024




On behalf of the ICHRPI Spanish section, Secretary General Mikel Urquijo invites all ICHRPI members and other interested scholars to attend the 76th conference of the ICHRPI that will be held in Toledo, Spain, from Tuesday 3 September to Friday 6 September 2024. The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Humanities of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Toledo.


Main conference theme: The evolution of representative assemblies from the ancien régime to parliamentary democracies.

Other conference themes:

1)    The Cortes of the Crown of Castile in the context of political representation in the Europe of the ancien régime

2)    Biographical and prosopographical studies of parliamentary institutions

3)    Territory and representation: self-government and parliamentary institutions


Submission deadline for presenting papers to the conference:


Abstracts of no more than 200 words, referring to one of the themes proposed, should be submitted to congreso.ichrpi2024@uclm.es by 30 April 2024.


Notification of the acceptance of papers will be made by 31 May 2024.


The conference programme will be circulated by 3 June 2024.


Conference fees (payment before 30 April 2024):


100 € (Euros) for members of the ICHRPI

120 € (Euros) for other scholars

50 € (Euros) for degree and postgraduate students

60 € for accompanying partners


Conference fee payment:

Payment should be made to the following link: http://eventos.uclm.es/go/76ICHRPI


Any questions or queries should be sent to the Conference Secretary at congreso.ichrpi2024@uclm.es







Per il 2025 è pervenuto un invito della sezione romena per tenere la conferenza annuale presso l’Università di Sibiu.




Per il 2026 ci riuniremo nell'ambito del congresso del CISH (Comitato internazionale per le scienze storiche), al cui proposito si rinvia all’ultima newsletter con tutte le informazioni utili sinora disponibili.





La quota d’iscrizione per il 2024 alla Commissione internazionale per la storia delle istituzioni rappresentative e parlamentari (ICHRPI), pari ad euro 35 (trentacinque) va versata sul conto corrente bancario a me intestato Mario Di Napoli, operazioni della Sezione italiana presso la filiale di Roma Montecitorio della Banca Intesa San Paolo, avente l’IBAN IT81T0306905142002700006996.


È opportuno provvedere al versamento entro il mese di gennaio, in modo da consentire la tempestiva spedizione della rivista della Commissione, "Parliaments, Estates and Representation", di cui si prega di segnalare eventuali mancati recapiti per gli scorsi fascicoli.